The Best Simulation Project of the Year Competition Rules and Guidelines


1. The Organizer of The Best Simulation Project of the Year Competition, hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”, is Fundacja InterMarium (the InterMarium Foundation) with its registered office in Kraków, (31-037) Kraków, ul. Starowiślna 54/14, entered in the Register of Associations, Other Social and Professional Organizations, Foundations and Independent Public Health Care Facilities, kept by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register (KRS), under the KRS Number: 0000738489, NIP (Tax Identification Number): 6762551641, REGON (National Business Registry Number): 380677001, e-mail: 
2. The competition is carried out via the website –, which belongs to the Organizer and is operated in compliance with the formal Regulations of the website By entering the Competition, each Participant hereby accepts the provisions and undertakes to comply with the regulations of the abovementioned website and of the rules and guidelines set forth herein.
3. The aim of the Competition is to promote: the concepts, methods and techniques of management innovation; strategies, products/services and processes improving the functioning of enterprises and institutions by means of computer-aided modeling; 3D visualization; virtual and augmented reality; simulation; emulation and optimization of processes; as well as to initiate cooperation between educational, scientific and business organizations.
4. The competition consists in the development of a project by the Participant, including the preparation of a simulation model made in the FlexSim program (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”) together with complete project documentation, as detailed in section IV subsection 5 a) – b).
5. Projects submitted to the Competition may not violate the law or any rights of third parties, including in particular third parties’ personal rights, and contain materials protected by the third-party rights (e.g. copyright) without the consent of authorized persons.


1. The competition starts on September 1, and lasts until December 31 of the same year.
2. Competition entries in accordance with section IV below may be submitted from September 1, until December 31; meeting the specified deadline is determined by the date of sending a correctly prepared and complete Project entry via the website.
3. The Organizer reserves the right to extend the duration of the Competition beyond the deadline specified in subsection 1 above, about which the Competition Participants will be informed, among others, via the website
4. The competition will be held in Poland.


1. Any natural person with full legal capacity may participate in the Competition. Individuals who have registered their participation in the Competition on the terms set forth in these Regulations are referred to as “Participants” or “Competition Participants”.
2. The Participants may be: individuals with the status of university students, individuals working scientifically in the fields related to the subject of the Competition, individuals working in the industry sectors thematically related to the subject of the Competition.
3. A Project entry may be submitted by a group of maximum 5 individuals (as ONE Participant) meeting the criteria indicated herein (section III of these Regulations).
4. Participants from the following countries may take part in the competition: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.
5. Employees and representatives of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in preparing and conducting the Competition, including members of the Jury, as well as their family members and their close relatives may not participate in the Competition.
6. Participants who fail to meet any of the requirements set out in these Regulations or who provide false information will be automatically disqualified.
7. Each Participant may submit a maximum of 3 Competition entries, in accordance with section IV below.


1. In order to take part in the Competition, the Participant is obliged to register at the website, accepting the Website Regulations and indicating: the email address that will allow the Organizer to contact the Participant in matters related to the Competition, the “Username” (nickname) and the password, which – together with the “Username” – will make it possible to use the website. The Participant bears full responsibility for the consequences of disclosing the password to third parties or its careless storage.
2. If the Participant is more than one person, the registration process is managed by the leader.
3. By applying for participation in the Competition, the Participant agrees that their “Username” should be placed on the ranking lists and/or be used in another way specified in these Regulations for the purposes of organizing and conducting the Competition.
4. After registering and logging in, the Participant will be able to submit the Project through the Organizer’s website –
5. The Project entry should include:

a) a link to a video of the simulation model (uploaded to the YouTube platform)
b) a link to a folder file, compressed in .zip format, including the following documentation:

• two simulation model files saved in the .fsm format, one file containing the model version before applying the improvement, and one version after its application,
• a PowerPoint presentation of the simulation model (made according to the template provided on the website),
• a description of the simulation model case study, saved in a Word file (made according to the template provided on the website),
• a signed and scanned license agreement for the use of the documentation and the simulation model created by the Participant, in accordance with the terms of this agreement,
• a document with Participant’s data saved in a Word file: name, surname, city of residence, country of residence, e-mail address, telephone, company/university/faculty/specialty,

6. In order to send the Project entry, a confirmation of having read the Information Obligation is required (it can be done by checking the box provided on the website).
7. Documentation indicated in subsection 5 b) above must be prepared entirely in English.
8. The Participant is obliged to send the original, signed license agreement to the Organizer’s registered office within 7 days from the date of sending the Project entry, under pain of refusing to accept the application.
9. Only complete Project entries that meet the conditions set out in subsections 5, 6 and 7 above will be accepted by the Organizer. The Organizer may make the acceptance of Participant registration application subject to supplementing the information and documentation specified in subsections 5, 6 and 7 above within a specified time limit, under pain of refusal to accept the Project entry.
10. The Project will be published by the Organizer on the website with the author’s name and surname as well as the author’s country of residence.
11. By filling out the registration form and sending the Project entry, the Competition Participant declares that:

a) he/she has exclusive and unlimited copyright to the Project and project documentation referred to in section IV subsection 5 a) – b) and agrees to the Project being published on the website with the personal details of the author(s) (name, surname, country of residence),
b) taking part in the Competition and sending the Project entry will not infringe any rights of third parties,
c) he/she grants the Organizer a free, territorially unlimited license for an indefinite period with the terms of the license agreement signed and sent in accordance with section IV to use the Project and project documentation (with the right to sub-license) in compliance subsection 5 b) above,
d) agrees to submit photos for evaluation by the Scientists Jury and the Business Jury in accordance with section V subsection 1 b) and c) herein.

12. The Organizer shall not be liable for any incorrect data provided by the Participant at registration or for non-updated data, in particular for a change in personal data and/or email address preventing the Organizer from finding the Participant and/or handing out the prize.
13. In the event that a Participant takes actions contrary to these Regulations or actions contrary to the generally applicable law or good manners of winning the Competition, the Organizer reserves the right to verify the results and exclude such Participant from taking part in the Competition. If the Participant is excluded from taking part in the Competition, the Participant is obliged to return the prize received. The return of the prize received does not exclude the right of the Organizer to claim compensation from the Participant under general principles of civil law.
14. Such Participant shall release the Organizer and other entities cooperating in the organization of the Competition from any liability for publishing the submitted Project, and in the event that the abovementioned entities are to cover any claims of third parties for non-compliance with the factual and/or legal aspects of the statements, such Participant will bear all costs related to it. If any of the Participant’s statements referred to in these Regulations turn out to be inconsistent with the facts and/or legal status of the person, the Participant, in the event of any claims of third parties, bears sole and total responsibility and declares that he/she will regulate all related damages suffered by the Organizer. Moreover, in the situation referred to above, such individual is disqualified from the Competition and is obliged to immediately return the prize awarded by the Organizer.


1. Projects submitted by Participants will be hereby reviewed:

a) by persons visiting the Organizer’s website at:; however, each person may vote for a given Project only once within each 24 hours, the highest rated Project will receive The Best Simulation Project of the Year – Audience Award,
b) by the Scientists Jury, whose members will be appointed by the Organizer, the highest-rated Project will receive The Best Simulation Project of the Year – Scientists Jury Award,
c) by the Business Jury, whose members will be appointed by the Organizer, the highest-rated Project will receive The Best Simulation Project of the Year – Business Jury Award.

2. The Scientists Jury and Business Jury shall review all of the submitted Projects after the official deadline for Project submission will have expired.
3. Only one Project will be awarded in each of the three categories: The Best Simulation Project of the Year – Audience Award, The Best Simulation Project of the Year – Scientists Jury Award, The Best Simulation Project of the Year – Business Jury Award.
4. One Project may win in more than one category, and then the prizes referred to in section VI below shall be joint.
5. Decisions taken by the Jury are final and legally binding for all Competition Participants.
6. The Organizer may inform about the results of the Competition on the Internet (in particular on the following websites:, and through press releases (trade press), using the name of the winners of the Competition, to which the Participant, by entering the Competition, fully consents.


1. Competition winners will receive the following prizes from the Organizer:

a) a financial prize of 1 000,00 (one thousand, 00/100) EUR net,
b) an Award Statuette for the winner in a given Competition category

2. The Organizer bears the full cost of taxes on all Competition winnings.
3. The prizes will be either handed to the winners directly during the gala ceremony or given in the following manner:

a) the financial prize will be transferred to the winner’s bank account,
b) the statuette will be sent by courier to the winner’s address.

4. The Organizer reserves the right to change the method of handing over the prize, and the winners shall be duly notified.
5. There is no cash or material equivalent of the prizes. Furthermore, the Competition winner has no right to assign the prize to another person.
6. The prizes not collected until the end of March 31, of the year in which they are awarded, are deemed forfeited and become the property of the Organizer. In the event that the winner of the Competition does not meet the conditions set out in these Regulations or does not collect the prize within the time limit set by the Organizer, the prizes will be forfeited and become the property of the Organizer.
7. If the prize is not handed to the Competition winner due to his/her failure to provide personal and/or contact details, providing incorrect data, or failure to update the data, it shall become the Organizer’s property and the winner shall lose the right to it.


1. Each Participant has the right to lodge a complaint in matters related to the Competition.
2. The formal complaint should include:

a) the name and surname of the person submitting the complaint;
b) description of the subject of the complaint together with justification;
c) correspondence address.

3. Complaints should be submitted by post to the address of the Organizer’s registered office or by e-mail to the address of the Organizer indicated in the Regulations.
4. Complaints containing the above data will be considered by the Organizer within 14 business days after their receipt. Replies to complaints will be sent by registered mail or e-mail not later than within 5 business days after the deadline indicated in the previous sentence.
5. The deadline for submitting complaints ends within 7 days from the date of the announcement of the results of the Competition. Complaints received after that deadline will not be considered.
6. The Organizer’s decision regarding the complaint shall be deemed final, which does not exclude the Participant’s right to seek redress in court proceedings.


1. The Competition Regulations are available at the Organizer’s Office and on the website
2. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the Regulations for an important reason, provided that it does not infringe the Participants’ acquired rights. The Organizer shall inform the Participants about each change through the means of the website, at least 5 days prior to introducing them.
3. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.
4. Admission to the Competition and providing an internet platform to make the Projects public are the only provisions of the Organizer to the Participant under the license to use the Project. The Participant is not entitled to any remuneration for this.
5. The Regulations enter into force on August 1.
6. By submitting the Project entry via the website, the Participant confirms that he/she agrees and consents to the Competition rules contained in these Regulations.